We think of everything.

We sweat the small stuff so you don’t have to.

  • How do you keep 100 bottles of water chilled to perfection at an outdoor garden event in November?

  • How do you serve 30 steaming hot pizzas at an Italian themed birthday party in June?

  • How do you make sure your favourite great aunt can be there on your special day when you’ve chosen a church up a dirt trail on the side of a cliff?

Don’t worry about it - that’s our job.

No two events are the same, because no two people are the same.

Rather than turning our events into vanilla rinse-and-repeat systems, we’ve turned our approach into a system - with the right questions, research and problem-solving genius solutions, no request is unachievable to make the moments that matter.


Heartfelt Event Planning + Business-Level Management


Environment + Location

What are your location-based requirements? Is your event in a country or urban setting? Is it indoor or outdoor, intimate or modern? What are the limitations and opportunities this presents?

We consider all aspects & the practical elements that need to be met - weather, temperature, gradient, season, etc. We also brainstorm all the environmental ‘worst case scenarios’ and ensure we have contingency plans in place.

Systems + Solutions

Communication across the lifespan of the event is critical, from when we first present ideas to the final champagne-pop.

This also encompasses how we manage our vendors & teams on the day, how we structure your event so it runs like a profitable business and how we bring all the moving parts together so the day flows to the point where it feels spontaneous, yet seamless.

Our goal is for all the vendors to work together so they enjoy delivering a day that flows. We ensure everyone behind the scenes runs as a single team - we all support each other to the success of your day.

Inventory Management + Costings

One thing that can often spiral out of control across the lifespan of an event is the budget & assets - well, unless you celebrate with LUK.

Managing the rolling finances of an event is all about allowing for contingency plans and the costs involved, managing the expenses and vendor payments throughout.

We don't get overwhelmed by the numbers - it’s about having the mental space to read invoices line by line and make sure everything is delivered as expected and charged as quoted.

We start by asking A LOT of questions.

We define what your non-negotiables are, as well as what the driving motivators are behind your event. Is it a special piece of music, a feeling, the smell of your favourite food?

With our experience & expertise, we can give you realistic feedback on what practical & financial considerations will be needed to deliver your dream - from there, we can discuss efficiencies and additions that can be made.

We also use this time to connect with you, your story and any other people that are going to be integral to the success of your day. This is our not-so-secret-secret: by creating a relationship with you, we can create an event like it was planned by your best friend.

Bust out the Mood Boards

Mood boards are a fantastic way for everyone involved to visualise the look-and-feel of the event. This covers everything from colour palettes to fabrics, textures and finishes.

Developing a mood board allows us to connect with your mental image, from which we can make a lot of recommendations on the finer details. Based on the final board, we can help you make some very smart decisions on where your budget can be saved, and where no expense should be spared.

Styling, Proposal + Costings

At this stage, we refine details such as costings and timing for the event itself, as well as delivery dates for all the key components in the lead-up. We’ll then have a clear timeline we can walk you through, offering you peace of mind in the weeks and days leading in to your special day.

This is us sweating the small stuff for you.

Sign Off, Deposit + Planning Begins

Once we take the final sign-off and deposit, we roll up our sleeves and get started! But don’t worry, this isn’t the point where we disappear until the week before launch.

We tap into your preferred communication method so we can constantly check in with you to let you know how we’re progressing - not only that, we’re just so damn excited about your big day, we gotta share the buzz with you!

Think of us as the best friend you hire for your big day - need a second opinion, a vent, or got a crazy idea that needs a sounding board? Just DM us already.

Ready? Set! Event.